Review Unit 6

Monday, 13th June 2022

Hi guys! Today we are going to review all the contents that we have seen in this topic. But first we are going to see the opinions of your families about the peseta and the euro. There sure is variety!

First, let's start by reviewing the countries that belong to the EU. To do this, we are going to start playing this game in which all the countries of Europe appear. Click the pictures to start the games.

In this game we have to select all the countries that belong to the European Union. Be careful because we cannot repeat the countries that we have selected!


To review section two, that is, the institutions, we are going to play a game that I have created: A trivia game! The game consists of 6 questions, about each institution. There will only be one correct answer. Good luck! 

To finish the revision class, we are going to see the euro section, we are going to play another game in which we have to know the countries that belong to the 'Eurozone'. To do this, we will drag the currency with a value of one euro to the country that we believe uses it.

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