Monday, 7th February 2022

Hi guys! I am Luisa, Maribel's sister and she has commissioned me to teach you all the GEOGRAPHY OF SPAIN. I'm sure you will learn a lot of things! In these two weeks we are going to see the limits of Spain, the mountains and rivers around and within the Meseta and the archipelagos. Let's go to the fullest with this unit!

Today, just as we start the week, we start a new topic! We are going to start with the section on Spain and its limits by listening to a super fun song about the Autonomous Communities of Spain and the capitals. I love it!

We are going to listen to it several times and I will give you the lyrics of the song which you have to fill in with their name. When we have the complete file, we will underline the autonomous communities in blue and the capitals in yellow, so as not to confuse them.

On the other hand, to remember where they are located, I will distribute a sheet of paper with the map of Spain and you will have to locate each place in its place and color each province with a different color to make it more visual and clear.


Wednesday, 9th February 2022

Happy Wednesday guys! Today we are going to get to know the Meseta, an extension of the plain that occupies the center of the peninsula, the north and south sub-plateau, the Montes de Toledo and the mountain ranges that surround the Meseta (Cantabrian Mountains, Montes de León, the Sistema Iberian and Sierra Morena). But be careful, we don't all see them today, but the next day!

For the activity that we are going to do is draw a schematic map of the Iberian Peninsula on an A4 sheet of paper that I will distribute to you. In it we are going to draw the mountains with a color and we are going to name them and where they are located making a graph at the bottom of the page, that is, the map does not occupy the entire page. Keep this page in a folder that we will continue working with on Friday.

Friday, 11th February 2022

Happy Friday! As I told you the last day, we are going to continue with the mountains. As I told you the day before, we still had to discover the mountains around the Meseta. There are 5: the Betic System, the Basque Mountains, the Pyrenees and the Coastal Range - Catalan.

We are going to complete our map and we are going to delimit with the red color if it belongs to the interior of the plateau and orange if it belongs to the exterior.

Also, I reminded you to leave a space on the page to make a diagram with the main characteristics of each mountainous relief. There will be something so cool!

Monday, 14th February 2022

Happy Monday! Last week we saw the mountainous relief of Spain and in today's class we will see the rivers. We are going to follow the same mechanics as with the mountain ranges. 

I am going to give you the following blank map of the country and we are going to point out the most important rivers, along with the most important tributaries. We are going to use the color purple, blue and green to distinguish where the rivers flow. 

At the bottom of the page we will make another mind map on this. This time I will not upload the example because it is done the same as the previous one. A cap! 

Wednesday, 16th February 2022

Good guys! Today we are going to carry out a research project on rivers. In groups of two or three people you have to choose two rivers in Spain and you have to look for the following things: where it ends, where it starts, where it flows through and its tributaries and some characteristics of the river. But beware! You have to make an infographic in which you recapitulate all the information and which you will have to upload to the forum.

Friday, 18th February 2022

Happy Friday! For today guys I have a very entertaining activity. An investigation! If you have noticed in the islands we do not find rivers but... Why?

That is what our research work will consist of. We are going to look for the reasons why we do not find rivers and what we find instead. Also, we need to look at how islands are formed.

In this section, you will have to order from largest to smallest the birth of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.

It's an individual job but don't worry, you have the whole weekend to do it and upload it to the forum!

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