Wednesday, 17th November 2021

Hi boys and girls! I am Camilo and I will be here with you to learn more about people and population. As you know, the history of our country depends not only on people such as kings or explorers, but also on population. We need to know who we are, how many of us there are and where we life to understand our history and to predict our future. 
To begin we are going to approach the essential vocabulary to understand the subject well. We have talked about the terms population, census, demography, size, composition, distribution, density and growth. So, now we are going to do the following crossword puzzle to check that you have understood what each term means. Click on the image below to access. 

As you already know what a census is, now you will have to design one in which you collect the data of close people. It is essential that the name, the age, the sex and the nationality appear in it. You could do it in a table like this one. Then you will have to write a report about what you have found. 


Friday, 19th November 2021

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the last class. Today we are going to continue learning a little bit more about how to measure populations. To start let's watch the next video that gives you more details about this. 

We have talked about the natural increase, absolute population, population density, immigrant, emigrant and actual increase. So, now we are going to do the following column relational activity to check that you have understood what each term means. Click on the image below to access. 

To finish, we are going to do two activities in which you will have to calculate different things.

Activity 1. María lives in a town where this year 1000 births and 20 deaths have been registered:
- Has the population increased or decreased?
- What has been the natural increase? How did you calculate it?

Activity 2. Look at the data in the drawing and calculate: 
- What has been the actual increase?
- What is its final absolute population?


Monday, 22nd November 2021

Hi guys! Today we are going to continue learning more about the population of Europe. It is very interesting to see its evolution over the time. 

In groups of 3-4 people, you will have to investigate and search for information about the change in the European population over time. Then, you will have to create a collage from that information. You can look for images in magazines or on the internet to do it. Finally, you will present it to your classmates and compare the information you found.


Wednesday, 24th November 2021

Good morning boys and girls! The last day we were learning more about the evolution of the population of Europe. Today we are going to specify a little bit more, so we are going to learn how to interpret pyramids and maps about the population of Spain, our country. I hope you enjoy it!

We are going to start with this pyramid of 2018. In pairs, look at the data bellow and answer the questions:

- What data on the population does it show us? On which axis is each of them located?
- In which age group is there more population?
- Are the same number of boys as girls?
- According to the pyramid, do you think that in the coming years the Government should build more schools or more residences for the elderly? Why?

Now we are going to continue with the second activity in which in pairs, you have to look at the data in the map and answer the questions. You can access to information of the map clicking on it.

- Choose an autonomous community, how do we find out the number of inhabitants if we know the population density and the area?
- Choose another autonomous community, how do we find out the area if we know the population density and the number of inhabitants?


Friday, 26th November 2021

Good morning class! Today we are going to learn a little bit more about the population of Andalusia. In order to do that you are going to access to the next liveworksheet clicking on the image. 


Monday, 29th November 2021

Hi guys! Today we are going to do a really exciting activity. In pairs, you will have to analyze the news about immigration in Spain. You will choose one of them. Then you will give that immigrant person a name and you will write it down on a piece of cardboard the story of their life before coming, the trip and the arrival. 

Next you will answer the following questions in your notebooks: 
- What image are the media giving of people who immigrate?
- What is the perception of society in general?
- What does a person leave behind when they emigrate? Why do they do it?
- What do emigrant contribute to the county where they arrive?
- What should the society of this country do when receiving them?

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