Review Unit 3

Friday, 12th November 2021

Hello students! We have finished the unit! In case you do not remember the different contents that we have seen, here is a summary:

  • The Habsburg kings
  • The war of the Spanish Succession (1701 – 1714)
  • The Spanish Golden Age (1492 – 1659)
  • Philip V (1700 – 1746)
  • Carlos III and the modernization of Madrid (1759 – 1788)

Also, here you have a video that summarizes the Spanish Golden Age and its two periods: 

I have spoken with Pepa about the activities you did with her to review the unit, and the truth is that they are quite entertaining, so you will do two of the same type but about our unit. First, you must complete the following liveworksheet, individually, about the different contents of this unit. Also, do you remember the table about Carlos V and Felipe II? Now, you are going to do the same table but about Felipe V and Carlos III. 

Link: Liveworksheet

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