Wednesday, 1st June 2022

Hi guys! As you know, with me you are going to see the EUROPEAN UNION. Learn about the history of the EU, its institutions, the euro,… I love everything related to this topic and I hope you do too! In addition, this is the final stretch and summer vacations are coming. 

Today we are going to start to see which countries belong to the EU. As we have already seen in class, not everyone entered at the same time, since they started with six founding countries, and then 22 more countries joined. This has made a total of: 28 strong countries!

In addition, there have also been four treaties and agreements which have shown the evolution of the fundation: Treaty of Rome, Maastricht Treaty, Schengen Agreement and the Lisbon Treaty.

In order to make it clearer to us when the different countries have entered and dealt with, the activity that we are going to carry out is a time line. We are going to do it in the notebook and it will be something so cool.

As you have noticed, the United Kingdom has left the EU… Do you know the reasons? To find out about them you have to do a research activity in which you have to look for 5 reasons why this has happened. We will review it the next day! 

Friday, 3rd June 2022

Good morning guys! Today is the last day of the week and today we are going to do a research project. I love to investigate and that is why in this unit we are going to carry out a lot of investigations.

First of all we are going to correct the exercise of the previous day. Have you found many reasons and consequences? Hope so! We will put them all together.

We are going to move to the ICT classroom and in pairs, we are going to look for the advantages and disadvantages of belonging to the European Union. I'm sure you find more advantages than disadvantages! To help you a little, I suggest you search about economic aspects, health, travel, activities and programs, politics and education.

You will have all class time to look for information. At the end, you will publish everything you have found in the blog forum with your name and surname.

Guys remember! Today in class we have talked about the fact that we are going to do a grupal final project (between 3-4 people): Explain a country of the European Union. You have to deal with the following aspects: location, culture, health, education, economy and its flag. On June 15 you will expose it in class, so we will all learn together! You can be as creative as possible and you can use any resource: powerpoint, cardboard, genially, video, … Work hard!


Monday, 6th June 2022

Hey guys, happy Monday! I hope you have rested the weekend, but also worked hard on your projects.

Today we are going to see the institutions that are part of the EU. We have seen that they serve to pass laws and make different decisions. To get to know them better, we are going to complete the following table with the institution, composition and its location.

As you know, we have seen all the contents of the table in class but we don't know where they are located. Then we have to search on the Internet where each institution is located and next to it I will give you a photo of each one in which you will have to paste next to the one that corresponds.


Wednesday, 8th June 2022

Hi guys! Today we are going to start the last section of the topic. First of all we will explain what the single market is and the functions it has. To do this, we are going to watch this very short one-minute video.

After watching the video and understanding what it consists of, we are going to answer the following questions:
  1. How long ago was the single market created?
  2. With what purpose?
  3. For whom has he removed obstacles?
  4. How did the EU achieve this?
  5. What has the single market achieved?
Don't worry if you don't have time to complete the questions because we will watch the video three times.

On the other hand, since I like you to investigate this unit, I want you to publish in the forum 3 positive aspects of the single market. See you next day!

Friday, 10th June 2022

Hello, guys and welcome to the last class of the topic! To finish the topic, we are going to carry out another research project. Right now we are detectives from investigating so much!

As we have been seeing in the other classes, the currency we currently use is the euro, but did you know that the peseta existed before as a monetary form? Surely your parents and grandparents have lived with it.

Therefore, in addition to investigating today the differences between the two currencies in class, you will ask your family at home about their experience with the peseta and which currency they prefer, and the next day you will give it to me in class.

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