Wednesday, 15th September 2021

Hello boys and girls! I am Maribel. I forgot to tell you, but I'll be with you to help you with the first topic: “The birth of Spain”. We are going to start the course with the history part and I hope you are as motivated and enthusiastic about learning as I am.

As we have seen in class, we have started with the Visigoth in the year 507. I am a bit bored about the traditional activities in the notebook, so, to make it cooler, we will make an interactive notebook! The main topic will be: What did the Visigoths acquire from the Romans? The weapons and clothes that these used must appear in it.

First, research on this topic, for which you can search in the book and on the internet. Once you have the information, the teacher will give you the necessary materials to make your notebook. Draw a picture of each thing and color it to make it prettier!

Also, the next day you will have to show your notebooks to your classmates, so be creative!


Friday, 17th September 2021

Good morning! Today we have started with the topic of Al-Andalus. As a reminder, we have seen how the Muslims arrived on the peninsula and the three stages of Al-Andalus (emirate, caliphate and the Taifa kingdoms).

Also, as some notebooks from the previous session were exposed, we have very little time left to do any activity, although we will have the whole next day to continue talking about this part of the story.

For the activity, I will give you three maps about the stages of Al-Andalus that we have seen. You must cut them out and paste them in your notebook, assigning a color to each stage and coloring the corresponding map with that color. Be careful not to link the maps in the wrong way and don't forget the legend!


Also, please, for the next day bring to class some pictures of things, like games, words or invents that we have inherited from muslims. We will make an activity about this item that I hope you like it. 

Monday, 20th September 2021

Hello students! Today we have advanced a little more on the subject of Al-Andalus, seeing the Muslim city and society. In addition, we delve into the legacy of Al-Andalus. How many things have we inherited from this culture!

To consolidate this knowledge and for you to have more visual ideas about them, we will make a mural. We will divide a cardboard into two parts, placing the title "Muslims" at the top. In the first part the plan of an Andalusian city must appear, in the second part the different cultures that coexisted in this society, and in the last part the Muslim heritage.

For the first activity you will have to draw it, but remember that in the textbook there are different photos that can serve as a base, and also, I will give. For the last activity, in the previous session I told you to bring different photos, so you will glue them here.

The mural will be made by groups that the teacher will choose randomly. Remember that you must respect each other and cooperate. Surely your mural will be more beautiful this way!


Wednesday, 22nd September 2021

Hi everybody! Today in class we have started a new point. We are learning a lot! We have gone on to talk about the Christian kingdoms. I remind you that the change in culture also caused a change in society. 

Do you remember what society was like during this stage? Exact! It was a feudal society. This society is marked by being divided into three classes, each one having a function.  To remember all of this information, you are going to make this interactive online map. On it in it, you must select the square where you would place the named estate in the black rectangle.

Within the privileged classes, art was an important part. Among the Christian kingdoms, Gothic and Romanesque art stood out, as we have seen in class. Each one had its particular characteristics, which one do you like the most? Choose one of both and recreate a painting with half a cardboard, using the material you need. We will decorate the classroom with them, so I hope you will try your best!

Here you have some examples of paintings. The one in the left is gothic and the other is romanic. 

Friday, 24th September 2021

Hello boys and girls! Leaving the topic of Al Andalus, we have moved on to the next stage, the Christian kingdoms and the reconquest. Do you already have a favorite stage? The truth is that I find this very interesting.

I know that the reconquest is something difficult to understand, so today we are going to make a timeline with the different events that were happening, so it will be easier for you to remember the different dates as well. Make it in your notebook, so that you can see it again every time you need it. You should have something like this:

Did you know that there is a legend that has to do with this stage of the Middle Ages? I'll give you a clue, it has to do with a king named Pelayo. The next activity will be a reading with a series of questions that you must answer on the same sheet, through which you will discover this legend. I hope you like it!


Monday, 27th September 2021

Good morning boys and girls! Today we have seen the medieval cities, their parts and their plan. In groups, you must create a route through a medieval city, explaining its details as best you can. As an aid, you will have a plan that the teacher will give you and the following questions: 

  • What were the houses like?
  • How was the map and the streets?
  • Where is the souk located?
  • Where did they pray?
  • What possible monuments does it have?

Wednesday, 29th September 2021

Hello class! I know that yesterday you didn't have time to finish the activity, so today you will have more time to finish it. In addition, you must expose your route in front of the rest of your colleagues, so that you can see those areas that some of you have not taken into account and others may have, among other possible errors. Imagine that you are real guides!

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