Monday, 25th October 2021

Hello everyone! I am Julieta, Maribel's mother. With me you will learn about the fall of the empire and modern Spain. We will focus on two families, the Habsburgs and the Bourbons, and the wars between them. We are already in the 17th century!

To start this unit we will do a brainstorm about these two families, to see what you know about them and who they were.


Wednesday, 27th October 2021 

Hi guys and girls! Do you remember what we saw today in class? Yes, exactly, "The war of Spanish succession". On this part of the unit we will carry out an interesting activity that will surely be innovative for you.

You must divide yourselves into 4 groups, and after the contextualization that the teacher has made, you must look for information about this war. The more information you collect the better!

After investigating, each group will carry out a project based on the main theme, the War of the Spanish Succession. There are many types of works, such as murals, interactive notebooks, lapbooks, etc. Be creative and use all the resources you need.

Friday, 29th October 2021 

Have you finished your projects? Do you need a little more time? In this session, those who have not finished will be able to finish them, and those who have finished it will be able to give it a final review. Once you have all finished, you must expose them to the rest of the class, focusing on the following aspects:
  • How does the project help you understand this war?
  • Within this content, have you focused on a specific aspect?
  • What resources did you need to do it?
  • Do you think there is any way to improve it?


Wednesday, 3rd November 2021

Good morning to all! Today we have seen the topic “The Spanish Golden Age”. This stage is one of the most important within culture and art, since many famous works were produced, and we focus it between the years 1500 and 1600.

We are going to create some cards with the different artists of this time, a bit of their biography and their most famous works. Once you have made it, glue them on your notebook to not lost them. To do this, you must research and gather information before creating them, about the following characters:
  • Miguel de Cervantes
  • Luis de Góngora
  • Lope de Vega
  • Francisco de Quevedo
  • El Greco
  • Francisco Zurbarán
  • Jose de Ribera
  • Murillo
  • Velázquez

Friday, 5th November 2021

To see if you have kept the information collected in the previous session, we will play the following card game.

The next activity consists of playing a card game in groups of between 3 and 4 people. In each letter you will find an important author or work of this stage and you must relate it, depending on what it is, with one of his works or with the author. We will play together and you must cooperate among the members of your group to find the solution. I hope that many of you get it right! LinkGame


Monday, 8th November 2021

Hello students! Today in class we have talked about Felipe V, the king who established the absolute monarchy in Spain. Jean Ranc, a famous painter, made a portrait of this king on horseback. Looking closely at the details of this painting, describe what you see in it.

Once you carry out the activity, you will share everything that you have seen and describe the relation that this details have with the different events of this era. Surely you will discover some details with the help of your classmates!


Wednesday, 10th November 2021

Good morning boys and girls. Today we have met another of the famous characters of this time, Carlos III. During his reign, the city of Madrid underwent a transformation that led to its modernization.

After watching the following video you must answer the following questions on your notebook:
  • To which dynasty did Carlos III belong? Whose son was he?
  • What did he try to do with the internal politics of Spain?
  • What characters stand out in the circle that surrounded Carlos III?
  • What happened to be Spain? What national symbols did he acquire?
  • What kind of work did you do to modernize Madrid?
  • What monuments were built?

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