Final Task Unit 6

Friday, 4h February 2022

Good morning guys! Today we are going to do the final task of this unit in order to check that you have understood all the contents. As you remember, you did a great job setting up your business. Today, we are going to put in practice how you approach the businesses of your classmates and make purchases. But, first, what do we need to buy? Well, money! You will have to create your own money with paper and colors.

Ok! Now you are ready! Take into account the roles that you assigned when you made the list with the preparations. Some of the members of your group will have to be the sellers, while others will go shopping to the rest of the businesses. When you finish shopping, you can change the roles. Have fun guys!

At the end of the class, you will carry out a co-evaluation, a method to evaluate your peers. I will ask you a series of questions that you will have to answer according to the work done by your classmates.
  • Do you think your classmates have set up a good business?
  • Are the prices of the products adequate?
  • What would you improve about their business?

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