Friday, 18th March 2022.

Hi guys! I'm Dolores and I will help you to understand what happened in 19th century in Spain.

Do you know what happened in 1789? THE FRENCH REVOLUTION!!

We’re going to study what happened in our country in the 19th century in Spain. It’s important to you know some important aspects:

The 19th century was a time of new ideas, wars and constant change in Spain. Though the new ideas would be the foundation of modern Spain, the constant fighting and instability made it a time of crisis and little progress.  

To start the unit you have to know some new vocabulary that it is so important to you to understand what happened:

LIBERALISM: It is a political philosophy that holds that a person can live whatever life they please as long as they respect the rights of others.
TRADITIONALISM: Political system based on the Catholic tradition as the only truth and maintaining political institutions.
ABSOLUTE MONARCH: Political regime in which all power rested with the king
CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH:Form of government in which there is a king, but the powers are divided
LA PEPA: Constitution of 1812.

Moreover, you have to know some special names: 
LUIS XVI: King of France in 1789.
CARLOS IV: King of Spain in 1789.
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Republican general during the French Revolution
MANUEL GODOY: Carlos IV’s valido.
FERNANDO VII: Carlos IV`s son and king of Spain in 1808.
JOSEPH BONAPARTE: Napoleon’s brother and king of Spain for 5 years.
ISABEL II: Fernando VII’ wife.
AMADEO I: King of Spain for two years.

And some special dates: 
MAY 1789: The French Revolution starts.
NOVEMBER 1799: The French Revolution ends.
2nd MAY 1808: The independence war starts.
19th MARCH 1812: The constitution of 1812 is approved.

As you know, the French Revolution had a lot of consequences in the political and social life during the 19th century in Spain. One of these consequences was the War of Independence, to understand what exactly happened you have to do research for this war and what happened after it.

In groups of 4 people you are going to search for information about the beginning of the war, the most important events and the end of the war and you have to write what happened like a history in the following sheet:

Don’t forget using the following words: King Carlos IV, Treaty of Fontainebleau, Napoleon Bonaparte, Manuel Godoy, Fernando VII, Joseph Bonaparte, The Abdications of Bayonne, Fernando VII, Aranjuez Riot, 2nd May 1808 and Battle of Toulouse.


Friday, 18th March 2022.

After seeing the main consequences that happened in the French Revolution, next Monday we are going to work on courts of Cadiz so you have to read the book and answer the next questions about it:
  • Which were the reasons why the courts were convened?
  • Who convened it?
  • Who signed the constitution?
  • Where was the constitution signed?
  • How many articles did it have?
  • What were the proposals contained in the constitution?
  • Why is it called ‘La Pepa’?

Monday, 21st March 2022.

Hello everybody! I hope you haved a nice weekend!

For this session, you are going to divide the class in groups of 4 people.

In the first part of the class, you have to you have to exchange your answers to the questions I sent for the weekend and ypu diced what answer is the best or you can complete your answer with your partner's answer and make it better.

Second, you are going to do a video in which you explain the courts of cadiz and the constitution of 1812 based on your answers. To do this you have to follow the next steps:

  1. You have to create an account in PowToon and select the characters that are going to appear in the video. 

  2. You start your video. Remember that your video has to have all the answers you have answered before. 

  3. When you finish, you have to download the video and share it with all the class.


Wednesday, 23rd March 2022

At this point you know a lot of information about what happened in the 19th century in Spain. However, there are a lot of things that you have to study.

Some of these things are that after the war of independence and the constitution of 1812, Spain had three different stages: ABSOLUTIST SIX - YEAR TERM, LIBERAL TRIENNIUM AND OMINOUS DECADE.

After see this stages in the book, do you know a lot information so, you have to do a triptych in which you write the most important things we saw in class.

Each group has to fold the big cardboard into three pieces and you have to write the information about absoluti six-year and the liberal triennium in the first two pieces of the triptych. Do not forget to add many drawings and colors. BE ORIGINAL!!

Friday, 25th March 2022

Good Friday girls and boys!! Today we are going to finish our triptych so you have to write the information about ominous decade in the last piece of their cardboard. You can finish the other pieces in that case.

When you finish the triptych you are going to expose to your partners.´

For example:

Monday, 28th March 2022

Happy start to the week guys!! 

Today we have seen the reign of Isabel II, the people who reigned during her minority, the first Carlist war, the reign after her victory in the war, the clashes between the two sides during her reign, the revolutionary six-year term that was divided into the monarchy of 1868 and the first republic of 1873.

Too much information right guys? For this activity we are going to divide into 4 groups. The first group will be in charge of the minority of Isabel II, the second team of the reign of Isabel II, the third will carry out the revolutionary six-year term and the fourth of the first republic.

Each team will make several drawings that explain the most important thing that happened during these stages to finally make a video among the whole class as a draw my life.


Wednesday, 30th March 2022

Good morning guys!

We're almost done with the 19th century theme. For today we are going to review everything that happened in our autonomous community during this time since, as you have been able to see throughout the topic, many important events occurred in Andalusia.

In groups, you must fill in the following map of Andalusia with the most important events in the place where they occurred. You can add photos, drawings or anything you can think of to decorate.


Friday, 1st April 2022

Friday at last!! 
Today we are going to have fun doing a little research on the Spanish women who played a great role in the war of independence. To do this, you must create a genially, that is, a presentation about the role played by each of the women you have chosen.

As we always do, in groups you will have to search for information and choose the woman you like the most. In the presentation you must add the reasons why you have chosen a certain woman.
Once we have finished it, we will present it in class.

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