Final task Unit 4

Wednesday, 11th May 2022


Please, cloose your books and notebooks and pay attention to the following instructions!

Today is the test with which to evaluate the knowledge that you have been acquiring during the agenda.

The test will consist of answering some questions with the plickers application. It's very simple, each of you will have a card with a bidi code, each side of the card has a letter (4 sides, 4 letters). Each card has your name engraved, so the application will know who is answering each question. I will put the questions with different options on the board, at the count of three everyone must raise the plickers with the side that corresponds to the letter that you think is the correct answer, I will pass the phone to each one of you who will pick up the answer that you have put and your name and the answer will appear on the board in green or red depending on what you have answered. We have a total of 14 questions. You know you must have at least 7 good to pass.

I hope you do well! Good luck!!!




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