Initial Evaluation

Monday, 13th September 2021

Hello guys! Today is the first day of school. How was your vacation? To start the course you are going to do some entertaining activities to check what you know about the topics of history and geography that we will teach throughout this course.

The first activity that you will carry out as an initial evaluation consists on a brainstorming. Using the Mentimeter application, individually you must write three words that come to mind, one about Al-Andalus, another about the Catholic Monarchs and another about the Spanish golden age. Once you have sent it, we will check on the digital board which are the words that are repeated the most. 

Link: Mentimeter

The second activity consists of grouping words into three groups (people and population / how economy works / money and business). With this activity you can get an idea about what you will learn in this course about these topics. Click on the image below to access to the activity:

With the third activity we are going to see what do you know about the history in 19th and 20th century in Spain. You have to help the frog to jump all the water lilies by correctly answering the questions about the 19th and 20th century.

 Link: Froggy

Finally, to find out what you know about the geography of Spain, Europe and the European Union, we are going to do a Kahoot! In total there are 10 multiple choice and true and false questions.

Link: Kahoot

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