Final Task Unit 2

 Wednesday, 16th March 2022

Happy Wednesday guys! As I told you last week, today we will present our tourist route through the various natural parks in Europe. I am very much looking forward to seeing them!

As we will surely have plenty of time, to further reinforce our knowledge we will have a debate on these topics:

• Do you think that tourism is one of the human activities that endangers the conservation of the natural environment? Why? Give examples.

• Do you think ecological tourism can be an alternative? Why? How is it different from mass tourism?

• Propose different ways of spending your holidays that are respectful of nature.

Surely we see a lot of variety and we learn from each other. Here is the rubric I will use to assess them.









He has maintained a speed when speaking that has favored communication.

His speaking speed has been adequate most of the time.

He has presented difficulties when it comes to maintaining an adequate speed of speech.

Has spoken too fast or too slow making communication difficult


Tone and volume

The tone and volume with which it has been expressed have been adequate.

Most of the time you have spoken with an appropriate tone and volume

The tone and volume of voice with which it has been expressed have been inappropriate

The tone and volume of voice you have used when expressing yourself have been unpleasant.




When speaking, he has kept his gaze with his interlocutor

On most occasions he has looked at his interlocutor.

When speaking, you have infrequently looked at your interlocutor

He has hardly looked at his interlocutor when speaking.



Has used an adjusted and varied vocabulary

You have used a suitable vocabulary, though somewhat repetitive.

It has been expressed with a rather poor and limited vocabulary.

The vocabulary that he has used has been scarce and little adjusted.



He has defended his ideas clearly, assertively and arguing his opinions.

He has exposed his ideas, although sometimes it was difficult for him to be assertive and argue his opinions.

It has been difficult for him to present his ideas assertively, without raising strong arguments to defend them

It has been very difficult for him to present and argue his ideas


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