Monday, 18th April 2022


Like all the changes that happen in history, this one brought consequences like the second republic or a civil war. Yes, yes, they spent their lives fighting, but don't worry, we're going to see everything that happened little by little.

As you know, at this time, Spain was in a republic, that is, we did not have a king. For this reason, the next point that we are going to study is called:

The restoration was the return of the Bourbon dynasty to power. It was a time of economic growth and stability, but it came at the cost of democracy and freedom.

As you know, the foundations of the restoration were based on the 1876 constitution, so the first activity that we are going to carry out is to read the main characteristics of this new constitution:

The main characteristics of the Constitution were these: Sovereignty shared between the King and the Cortes:

- Legislative power is shared between the Cortes and the King, who can last to veto laws and dissolve the chambers
-The Crown has the executive power, being able to appoint the head of government and the
- The Courts are bicameral, with a Senate formed by royal appointment and a congress elected by direct suffrage
-It also establishes a catholic confessional state, although other religions as long as they respect it.
-It does not pronounce itself regarding the type of suffrage nor regarding the type of electoral procedure, until the year 1890 in which it becomes suffrage masculine universal.
-City councils and councils are under government control, central organization.
-Rights similar to those of the Constitution of 1869 (inviolability of domicile, freedom of residence, conscience, profession...).

In pairs, you will have to relate each article that we have read aloud with the characteristics that the constitution had in order to understand what each of these refers to.

Wednseday, 20th April 2022

Good morning dear students!!

Another day studying the wonderful restoration and when we talk about it we cannot forget the bipartisanship of the political forces that governed.
On this occasion, we are going to hold a meeting as if we were part of these parties that wanted to govern.
We will divide again into 4 groups, two of them will belong to the Liberal Party and the other two to the Conservative Party. We will do it by lottery.

Once each group knows which party they are going to represent, they should look for information on the internet about the bases on which they were based and prepare an electoral program to later present it to the rest of the classmates. You have to choose a spokesperson who will be the one to speak. When we finish the meeting, we will vote for the party that seems best to us.

Monday, 25th April 2022

Hi guys!! The end of the restoration came when the oppositions to the system were presented since they weakened the system. As you well know, these oppositions were: the republican parties, the labor movement and nationalism. 

Each group that formed the opposition was divided into subgroups, that is, there were different republican parties, various labor movements and various nationalisms.
We will make different murals with the characteristics that each of these had. In total, there were 8 so each group will do two of them. You can search for information on the internet.


Wednseday, 27th April 2022

Good morning guys!! As you know, after the restoration was finished, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera began, a military man who took power in Spain although he kept Alfonso XIII as king. Primo de Rivera had no support and elections were called, from which the second Republic emerged.

To better understand exactly what happened, we are going to watch a video that explains a little about how the Second Republic began and ended.

After watching the video you must fill in this form. To do this we will see the video 3 times: the first time you cannot write anything, just watch and understand the video, the second time you will collect as much data as possible and the third time, it will serve to fill in the data that you have missed.

Afterwards, we will play a trivia game about the second republic. For this we will use the clasdojo application where each of you will have an emoji. There we will collect the groups with their names, the application will name a member of the group and they will have to go out and say the correct answer. If they are correct, all the members of the group will have a point. The one with the most points will win.
Link: Genially

In the next class, we are going to see what happened in the Spanish civil war. It is possible that your grandparents or great-grandparents lived through that event or have a lot of information about it. For this reason, I ask you to collect all the information you can only with what your relatives tell you.


Friday, 29th April 2022

Happy Wednseday my dear students!! I hope you have had a good bridge, that you have rested a lot and compiled a lot of information about the civil war as I asked you. 

First of all, we are going to brainstorm on the board with everything you have written in your notebooks. As we copy them on the board, you must copy the data that you do not have so that we all have the same information and can work with it.

Next, each one of you will vote for 4 ideas that we have written down and then distribute one of them to each group and do a job.

Wednesday, 4th May 2022

Happy Friday guys!! Today, we are going to do our project about the Spanish Civil War. 

The four most voted ideas in the previous session were:
1. Spain was divided into two large factions that fought each other.
2. Conflicts were carried out in the name of God.
3. Franco was appointed “Generalissimo of the national land, sea and air forces” and “Head of the Government of the Spanish State”.
4. The events of May 1937.

Each group will choose one of the following facts and must choose all the relevant information on the subject and must carry out a project of free choice, you can make a power point or an infographic, a mural, whatever you want and you can think of. To give to the imagination!!

Friday, 6th May 2022

It's the end of the topic!! Today we are going to see some painting. We are going to plunge into the world of art with one of the most famous paintings by a very famous painter from Malaga as well. Can you guess what I am talking about? Of course, it is Pablo Picasso's Guernica.

For 5 minutes you will be able to observe the painting, look at every detail and think about the relationship between this painting and what is seen on the agenda. To do this, you will have to be totally silent and write down in the notebook that the image suggests and what you are discovering about it.

Then, in groups on continuous paper, you are going to make a version of the table including those most outstanding aspects that you have studied.

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