Wednesday, 19th January 2022

Good morning guys! I am Isabela and I will be here with you to learn more about money and business. I want to tell you that money has developed at the same time as economies. Markets used to be in town squares, but today they are spread across countries and continents. Nowadays, most people work in business and keep their money in banks. 
Surely you have accompanied your parents to the bank at some time, right?

To begin with, I would like you to answer the following question: What does money mean to you? 
To do this, you will have to access Mentimeter, and contribute your ideas to the word cloud.
You can access with the following link: https://www.menti.com/qgh7b3iiv6
You can also access with this QR code:

After that, I want you to work in pairs and think about the different 
payment channels and methods. You will have to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Then we will share your ideas with the rest of the classmates. 

As you know, we can do different things with our money. There are four possibilities: spend it, save it, invest it or donate it.  Now, I want you to think about what have you done with your money in the last week, what things have you bought, how many money have you saved or maybe if you have donated something. Write it down in your notebooks and later we will talk about it. 


Friday, 21st January 2022

Hi boys and girls! I hope you enjoyed the last class and remember that you can ask me any question or doubt that you have. Today we are going to continue learning a little bit more about shopping strategies. We have been talking about some essential words that you need to know to work on this topic. So now we are going to do the following activity to check if you have understood what each term means. Click on the image below to access.

Now I want you to work in pairs and think about five products that you usually buy for your daily life. Then look for them in different online stores and compare the prices taking into account if they have any discount. Write them down in your notebooks and later we will compare them with the rest of the classmates. This activity allows you to know where can you buy these products at a lower price, so the next time you can go there in order to save some money. 


Monday, 24th January 2022

Hi guys! Today is a new day and we are going to start it with energy. We have been talking in class about the different types of business organization. So, now you are going to do the following crossword in order to check if you have understood the concepts. Good luck!


Wednesday, 26th January 2022

Hi guys! Now you are prepared to run your own business. To do this, you will have to divide into four groups to work in corners. You can use the materials and the space that you have in class to do that. 

Each group will have to decide the following points:
- What type of business you want to set up.
- What products you will sell.
- What deals might you offer customers to make them buy the products. 
- What role is going to have each member of the group.
- What resources do you need to set up your business.

Make a list with those things that you are going to need and prepare them at home. Remember bring them to class next day. 

Monday, 31st January 2022

Good morning! Today is a great day, because you already have everything ready to set up your business. It's time to work and make your business the best. Good luck and I hope you enjoy a lot! I am very excited to see your results.

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