Wednesday, 6th October 2021

Good morning to all! I am Pepa, Maribel's aunt, and with me you will see the topic titled “From kingdom to empire”. This theme supposes the entry into the Modern Age, and we will see all the changes and discoveries that this entailed in Spain.

As you know, this began in the year 1492, with the discovery of America, and ends in 1789. In order to get to know this stage a little better, we will begin by talking about the Catholic Monarchs. I'm sure you know who they are! Their names were Isabel of Castilla and Fernando of Aragon.

This marriage and everything they did meant not only a change in Spanish society, but also in the role of women. In order for you to get to know it a little better, you must complete the following sheet that the teacher will give you, for which you must first carry out an investigation using the internet or textbooks.



Friday, 8th October 2021

Hello boys and girls! Today we have seen in class a little about how America was discovered, in what year it was and thanks to what and by who. The objective of the activity that we are going to carry out next is that you can remember the different events that took place during the trip, from its departure to its arrival.

In groups, you will make a travel diary. And you may be wondering, what is a travel diary? Well, I will answer that question for you. Imagine that you are part of the crew of Christopher Columbus, you must create a diary and write on each page, with their respective dates, the different events that you know were happening. In addition, you must include aspects of what life is like on board the ship: daily tasks, meals, coexistence, etc.

Monday, 11th October 2021

Good morning students! I hope you have enjoyed this weekend! In class we have continued with the discovery of America. We have seen that there were a series of scientific advances and milestones in navigation that caused the expansion of sea routes. To remember the names of these discoveries, below you have a letter soup where you have to find them.  LinkLetters soup

Also, as we already knew the different advances, we will proceed to investigate a little more about them. Using the same work groups and the diary that they have made in the previous session, the teacher will assign one of the discoveries to each of you and you must complete the last page of the diary with information about it, for which you have the following questions as help:

- What is the name of the object?
- What is it for?
- What material is it made of?
- Do you think it can be improved in any way?


Wednesday, 13th October 2021 

Hello students! In class we have moved on to another topic, which should rather be said that they are two important characters of this stage, Carlos V and Felipe II. Carlos V and Felipe II are relatives, but so that you can better understand the relationship between them, you must create a family tree on a sheet of paper where you include it. If you do not know this relationship, you can investigate on the internet.

In addition, these reigns meant a before and after in the Spanish economy and with it, there was a great territorial expansion. Using another piece of paper, this activity consists of drawing the map with the new Spanish territories, so that when you want to see this part again you can look at the map.

Friday, 15th October 2021

Hi guys! After seeing the different battles and conflicts that these two kings had to face, that are:
  • Revolts of the comuneros and the germanías
  • Moorish uprising
  • German Protestantism
  • English Protestantism --> The invincible army
  • Battle of Lepanto

Their army, "the thirds", was one of the most powerful in Europe, and was created by them. This army was formed by: the cavalry, the artillery and the infantry. Separated into groups and with the materials that the teacher will give you, each one will belong to one of the units of this army and you must represent it. You can, for example, use these materials to make the armor or weapons they used.


Monday, 18th October 2021

Hello, everyone! Today we will finish this unit. We have seen The Renaissance in class, a social and artistic movement, so during this time there are many important people to be highlighted. Divided into 4 groups, each one will investigate one of these authors, who are: Garcilaso de la Vega, Miguel de Cervante, El Greco and Diego Velázquez 

After doing the research and seeing the biography and the main works of each one, you will make a mural, which we will be exposed on the walls of the class. 

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