Wednesday, 15th December 2021

Hi boys and girls! I am Bruno and in this unit I will be with you to learn how the economy works. We already know that one of the reasons people move is to find work. The three main sectors of industry in which people work make up a country's economy.

To learn more about it, I propose you to make a lapbook. To do this, you will divide into 6 groups of 4 people, 2 groups will make their lapbook about the primary sector, another 2 groups will make it about the secondary sector and the last 2 groups will make it about the tertiary sector. 

Now, do you know what is a lapbook? Have you ever made one? Ok, it is so fun!! 

To make a lapbook you will need colored cardboard to form a folder, white or colored envelopes, post it, colored sheets, photographs, glue, scissors, markers and any material that you think is suitable to make it.

Here is an example of a lapbook so you have an idea of ​​how you can design it. Be as creative as possible!

Let's start, you can search for information on the internet if you want too. Good luck guys!

Friday, 17th December 2021

Good morning students! Today we will continue making your lapbooks. Remember that you have to cooperate and be as creative as possible. I send all my energy to you to get a fantastic work!

Monday, 20th December 2021

Hi boys and girls! Today is the day you will have to present your lapbooks to the rest of your classmates. I hope you have obtained a good result. Good luck guys! 


Monday, 10th January 2022

Hello guys! As we have seen the last classes, we know how products are made and we also know that companies use advertising to encourage people to buy their products. Today we have been talking in class about some different advertising methods: radio, tv advert, flyer, magazine, poster...

Now it's your turn, imagine that you have a company and you want to design an adverts to encourage your classmates to buy something. The product can be the one you prefer, you could even invent something new. To do this you are going to form groups of 3 or 4 people and choose which advertising method you prefer. Good luck guys! I look forward to your projects.

Wednesday, 12th January 2022

Good morning students! Yesterday I saw your advertisements and they were really exceptional! I am very happy with your work. Today we are going to continue working on advertising. Do you know what fake news are? Ok, let's watch the next video and make some comments.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Now we are going to have a debate. I'll show you some ads, whoever thinks it's a fake new will go to the right side of the class and whoever thinks it's not will go to the left side. Afterwards, each group will say the reasons they have for positioning themselves on that site.

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