Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

Hi kids! I am Antonio and as you know, we are going to see the second part of Geography with me. You have seen Spain with my cousin Luisa and she has told me that it has gone very well. I hope it goes the same with me! We are going to see the relief, the rivers and the borders of Europe. Some activities will be very similar to Luisa's. Let's start!

Today, we are going to see the limits of Europe and the countries that form it. To do this, I am going to give you an empty map of Europe and paste it in your notebook. All together we are going to assign each country a number and we will put its name as a legend because on the map we will draw and color the flags of each country. There has to be something cool like this.

This is the game that I have told you about, it is for all of us together to learn the location of the places. In addition, we will learn if they are located in the north, south, east or west of Europe.


Friday, 4th March 2022

Happy Friday kids! Today we are going to know the mountainous reliefs and main rivers of Europe. As there are not as many as in Spain, we are only going to take one session.

On our physical map, in brown or orange, we are going to review the mountain ranges and mountains of Europe and we will write the name with a black pen, while we will review the rivers in blue and write them with a pen of the same color. In this way, we will differentiate them more clearly.

We will write in another color the seas, oceans, lakes and peninsulas. If you had not noticed, we found several in Europe. Can you tell me what they are? We will answer the question in the blog forum in your home.

To finish, we will complete the following scheme so that the units of the relief are clearer.

Monday, 7th March 2022

Happy Monday guys! I hope you had a good weekend. Today we are going to make a tourist route but how are we going to do that in class?

In groups, we will search the internet for a European river which can be navigated and visit the cities through which the river flows.

In our notebook we will draw the course of the river and we will briefly explain the places that we will visit in our boat, as well as some characteristics of the river because not all of them are the same (different flow, distance, tributaries, ...).

Finally, in the last 15 minutes of class, we will explain our journey to our classmates.


Wednesday, 9th March 2022

Happy Wednesday guys! Today we are going to see the six climates that we find in Europe and where they are located, as well as their characteristics and the natural vegetation of the predominant species.

To do this, we will draw the map of Europe in our notebook and represent the following:
  • The climates
    • Purple = polar
    • Continental = green
    • Oceanic = blue
    • Mountain = brown
    • Mediterranean = yellow
    • Continental Mediterranean = orange
  • The vegetation 
    • Mixed forest
    • Grassland and steppe
    • Tundra
    • Beech
    • Mediterranean forest
    • Oak 
    • Mountain vegetation
After drawing our map, as I mentioned before, we will have to write the characteristics of each climate, which we will look for on the internet. I advise you for the vegetation, we will not draw the entire area with the trees, but a few to know where they are located. Here you have an example of how our map should look drawn in the notebook.

Friday, 11th March 2022

Today is our last session before review and final homework. Since I'm a child like you, I don't like taking exams and that's why I've decided to do a cooperative activity called: LET'S PROMOTE ECOLOGICAL TOURISM!

You already know that I love animals and that is why I want them to live in peace and in the best conditions. In this work we are going to get to know some European parks and we are going to prepare a tourist brochure for a vacation. This work is made up of groups of 4 people.

To do this, we are going to divide the task into 3 parts:

1. Research on the internet. Each group will investigate a European park. To find out what the park is like, we will divide the tasks. Among all the members of the group we must obtain basic information on: 
  • Name, location and dimensions of the national park
  • When was it declared a national park and why
  • Relief type
  • Hydrography
  • Summit and vegetation
  • Flora and fauna
2. Prepare a brochure. Later, we will prepare an explanatory brochure of the park to encourage visitors. The brochure should contain the basic information that you have compiled, a map of the park with possible visiting routes that indicate points of interest and some photographs.

3. Make a presentation. We will imagine that we are in a tourist fair and we will make a presentation before the whole class of the attractions that the park presents to be visited. In our exhibition we will defend the virtues of ecological tourism, which promotes knowledge and enjoyment of the natural environment and makes travelers aware of the need to preserve the rich natural heritage. We will do this last part on the 16th.

Let's work and be the best tour guides! 

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