Hi guys! Welcome to our fifth and sixth grade blog. I am Maribel, and here I present my family, who will help me with this project.

This is Pepa, my aunt, and she is able to control time using her emotions. She is passionate about history, and will help us better understand how Spain went from being a kingdom to an empire. He will introduce us to his friends Carlos V and Felipe II, I am sure they are very nice!


My mother's name is Julieta, and she is Pepa's sister. His hobby is cooking sweets and cakes, and they are also healing. As my aunt, she also loves history and will tell us about the fall of the empire and the new and modern Spain.

My cousin Camilo is capable of transforming into any other person and with this power he makes fun of us a little. He will tell us about population and demographics.
Bruno is my other uncle. He is lonely and is able to see the future. It will help us understand how the economy and the different sectors works. Along with him, my sister Isabela, who is capable of making flowers grow, will talk to us about money and business.

She is my other sister Luisa and her power is super strength. It can lift anything! She will tell us about the geography of Spain: it's borders, the mountains, the rivers, the Meseta and the archipelagos.

Antonio is my youngest cousin and he loves animals, so he is able to communicate with them. Like my sister Luisa, he is going to focus on geography, but on Europe, specifically it's borders, rivers and mountains.

This is my cousin Dolores and my uncle Felix. He has no power but she has the power of hearing enhancement: she can hear even the smallest thing. Like his mother Pepa, they like history and she is going to talk about Spain in the 19th century. My uncle is going to talk about the path to modern Spain.

She is my grandmother Alma and she is in charge of protecting all the powers of the family with the candle she holds. She will explain to us our rights, our country and our constitution.

Finally, this is my father Agustín. Like my Uncle Felix, he has no power. My father is going to talk to us about the European Union.

Initial Evaluation

Monday, 13th September 2021

Hello guys! Today is the first day of school. How was your vacation? To start the course you are going to do some entertaining activities to check what you know about the topics of history and geography that we will teach throughout this course.

The first activity that you will carry out as an initial evaluation consists on a brainstorming. Using the Mentimeter application, individually you must write three words that come to mind, one about Al-Andalus, another about the Catholic Monarchs and another about the Spanish golden age. Once you have sent it, we will check on the digital board which are the words that are repeated the most. 

Link: Mentimeter

The second activity consists of grouping words into three groups (people and population / how economy works / money and business). With this activity you can get an idea about what you will learn in this course about these topics. Click on the image below to access to the activity:

With the third activity we are going to see what do you know about the history in 19th and 20th century in Spain. You have to help the frog to jump all the water lilies by correctly answering the questions about the 19th and 20th century.

 Link: Froggy

Finally, to find out what you know about the geography of Spain, Europe and the European Union, we are going to do a Kahoot! In total there are 10 multiple choice and true and false questions.

Link: Kahoot



Wednesday, 15th September 2021

Hello boys and girls! I am Maribel. I forgot to tell you, but I'll be with you to help you with the first topic: “The birth of Spain”. We are going to start the course with the history part and I hope you are as motivated and enthusiastic about learning as I am.

As we have seen in class, we have started with the Visigoth in the year 507. I am a bit bored about the traditional activities in the notebook, so, to make it cooler, we will make an interactive notebook! The main topic will be: What did the Visigoths acquire from the Romans? The weapons and clothes that these used must appear in it.

First, research on this topic, for which you can search in the book and on the internet. Once you have the information, the teacher will give you the necessary materials to make your notebook. Draw a picture of each thing and color it to make it prettier!

Also, the next day you will have to show your notebooks to your classmates, so be creative!


Friday, 17th September 2021

Good morning! Today we have started with the topic of Al-Andalus. As a reminder, we have seen how the Muslims arrived on the peninsula and the three stages of Al-Andalus (emirate, caliphate and the Taifa kingdoms).

Also, as some notebooks from the previous session were exposed, we have very little time left to do any activity, although we will have the whole next day to continue talking about this part of the story.

For the activity, I will give you three maps about the stages of Al-Andalus that we have seen. You must cut them out and paste them in your notebook, assigning a color to each stage and coloring the corresponding map with that color. Be careful not to link the maps in the wrong way and don't forget the legend!


Also, please, for the next day bring to class some pictures of things, like games, words or invents that we have inherited from muslims. We will make an activity about this item that I hope you like it. 

Monday, 20th September 2021

Hello students! Today we have advanced a little more on the subject of Al-Andalus, seeing the Muslim city and society. In addition, we delve into the legacy of Al-Andalus. How many things have we inherited from this culture!

To consolidate this knowledge and for you to have more visual ideas about them, we will make a mural. We will divide a cardboard into two parts, placing the title "Muslims" at the top. In the first part the plan of an Andalusian city must appear, in the second part the different cultures that coexisted in this society, and in the last part the Muslim heritage.

For the first activity you will have to draw it, but remember that in the textbook there are different photos that can serve as a base, and also, I will give. For the last activity, in the previous session I told you to bring different photos, so you will glue them here.

The mural will be made by groups that the teacher will choose randomly. Remember that you must respect each other and cooperate. Surely your mural will be more beautiful this way!


Wednesday, 22nd September 2021

Hi everybody! Today in class we have started a new point. We are learning a lot! We have gone on to talk about the Christian kingdoms. I remind you that the change in culture also caused a change in society. 

Do you remember what society was like during this stage? Exact! It was a feudal society. This society is marked by being divided into three classes, each one having a function.  To remember all of this information, you are going to make this interactive online map. On it in it, you must select the square where you would place the named estate in the black rectangle.

Within the privileged classes, art was an important part. Among the Christian kingdoms, Gothic and Romanesque art stood out, as we have seen in class. Each one had its particular characteristics, which one do you like the most? Choose one of both and recreate a painting with half a cardboard, using the material you need. We will decorate the classroom with them, so I hope you will try your best!

Here you have some examples of paintings. The one in the left is gothic and the other is romanic. 

Friday, 24th September 2021

Hello boys and girls! Leaving the topic of Al Andalus, we have moved on to the next stage, the Christian kingdoms and the reconquest. Do you already have a favorite stage? The truth is that I find this very interesting.

I know that the reconquest is something difficult to understand, so today we are going to make a timeline with the different events that were happening, so it will be easier for you to remember the different dates as well. Make it in your notebook, so that you can see it again every time you need it. You should have something like this:

Did you know that there is a legend that has to do with this stage of the Middle Ages? I'll give you a clue, it has to do with a king named Pelayo. The next activity will be a reading with a series of questions that you must answer on the same sheet, through which you will discover this legend. I hope you like it!


Monday, 27th September 2021

Good morning boys and girls! Today we have seen the medieval cities, their parts and their plan. In groups, you must create a route through a medieval city, explaining its details as best you can. As an aid, you will have a plan that the teacher will give you and the following questions: 

  • What were the houses like?
  • How was the map and the streets?
  • Where is the souk located?
  • Where did they pray?
  • What possible monuments does it have?

Wednesday, 29th September 2021

Hello class! I know that yesterday you didn't have time to finish the activity, so today you will have more time to finish it. In addition, you must expose your route in front of the rest of your colleagues, so that you can see those areas that some of you have not taken into account and others may have, among other possible errors. Imagine that you are real guides!

Review Unit 1

 Friday, 1st October 2021 

Hello students ! 

How fast time has passed! We have already finished the topic! But so that you remember everything we have learned, today we are going to do some review activities.

First, in this topic we have seen the events between the year 416, when the Visigoths arrived on the peninsula, until 1500 more or less, with the Christian kingdoms.

So that you better understand this part of Spanish history, I leave you the following important dates:

  • Germanic invasions: 416 - 476
  • Visigoth Kingdom of Toledo: 507 – 711
  • Al-Andalus: 711 – 1500

Likewise, the following video will help us remember all the events that took place in Al-Andalus.

It's time for you to check if you're ready! Here you have a liveworksheet, which you will do individually, and a crossword, which we will complete together cooperatively. I hope you know the answers and help you remember the key words of this topic.

 Link: LiveworksheetCrossword 

Final Task Unit 1

Monday, 4th October 2021 

Hello boys and girls ! We have reached the end! To check that you remember the information that we have given in this unit, you must make a conceptual map with everything you remember from the different contents. You can do it manually (on a piece of paper) or do it online on the Canva or Genially website.

Here you have one example of history conceptual map: Conceptual Map Example

After its completion, you will deliver it and you will be evaluated according to the following rubric, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being very satisfactory:



Wednesday, 6th October 2021

Good morning to all! I am Pepa, Maribel's aunt, and with me you will see the topic titled “From kingdom to empire”. This theme supposes the entry into the Modern Age, and we will see all the changes and discoveries that this entailed in Spain.

As you know, this began in the year 1492, with the discovery of America, and ends in 1789. In order to get to know this stage a little better, we will begin by talking about the Catholic Monarchs. I'm sure you know who they are! Their names were Isabel of Castilla and Fernando of Aragon.

This marriage and everything they did meant not only a change in Spanish society, but also in the role of women. In order for you to get to know it a little better, you must complete the following sheet that the teacher will give you, for which you must first carry out an investigation using the internet or textbooks.



Friday, 8th October 2021

Hello boys and girls! Today we have seen in class a little about how America was discovered, in what year it was and thanks to what and by who. The objective of the activity that we are going to carry out next is that you can remember the different events that took place during the trip, from its departure to its arrival.

In groups, you will make a travel diary. And you may be wondering, what is a travel diary? Well, I will answer that question for you. Imagine that you are part of the crew of Christopher Columbus, you must create a diary and write on each page, with their respective dates, the different events that you know were happening. In addition, you must include aspects of what life is like on board the ship: daily tasks, meals, coexistence, etc.

Monday, 11th October 2021

Good morning students! I hope you have enjoyed this weekend! In class we have continued with the discovery of America. We have seen that there were a series of scientific advances and milestones in navigation that caused the expansion of sea routes. To remember the names of these discoveries, below you have a letter soup where you have to find them.  LinkLetters soup

Also, as we already knew the different advances, we will proceed to investigate a little more about them. Using the same work groups and the diary that they have made in the previous session, the teacher will assign one of the discoveries to each of you and you must complete the last page of the diary with information about it, for which you have the following questions as help:

- What is the name of the object?
- What is it for?
- What material is it made of?
- Do you think it can be improved in any way?


Wednesday, 13th October 2021 

Hello students! In class we have moved on to another topic, which should rather be said that they are two important characters of this stage, Carlos V and Felipe II. Carlos V and Felipe II are relatives, but so that you can better understand the relationship between them, you must create a family tree on a sheet of paper where you include it. If you do not know this relationship, you can investigate on the internet.

In addition, these reigns meant a before and after in the Spanish economy and with it, there was a great territorial expansion. Using another piece of paper, this activity consists of drawing the map with the new Spanish territories, so that when you want to see this part again you can look at the map.

Friday, 15th October 2021

Hi guys! After seeing the different battles and conflicts that these two kings had to face, that are:
  • Revolts of the comuneros and the germanías
  • Moorish uprising
  • German Protestantism
  • English Protestantism --> The invincible army
  • Battle of Lepanto

Their army, "the thirds", was one of the most powerful in Europe, and was created by them. This army was formed by: the cavalry, the artillery and the infantry. Separated into groups and with the materials that the teacher will give you, each one will belong to one of the units of this army and you must represent it. You can, for example, use these materials to make the armor or weapons they used.


Monday, 18th October 2021

Hello, everyone! Today we will finish this unit. We have seen The Renaissance in class, a social and artistic movement, so during this time there are many important people to be highlighted. Divided into 4 groups, each one will investigate one of these authors, who are: Garcilaso de la Vega, Miguel de Cervante, El Greco and Diego Velázquez 

After doing the research and seeing the biography and the main works of each one, you will make a mural, which we will be exposed on the walls of the class. 

Review Unit 2

Wednesday, 20th October 2021

Hello students! We have finished the topic! In case you do not remember the different contents that we have seen, here is a summary:

  • The catholic monarchs (1475 - 1504)
  • Christopher Columbus and the Americans (1492)
  • Charles V (1516 - 1558)
  • Felipe II (1556 - 1598)
  • The Renaissance (S. XIV - S.XVI)

It's time for you to check if you're ready! As in the previous topic, you must complete the following liveworksheet, individually, about the Catholic kings and Christopher Columbus. In addition, after this you must create a table in your notebook with the different events that happened during the reign of Carlos V and Felipe II.

Link: Liveworksheet 

Final Task Unit 2

Friday, 22nd October 2021

Hello ! We have reached the end of unit 2! To check that you remember the information we have given in this unit, we are going to play a game. 

This consists of a roulette that has the different contents of the unit. Divided into 5 groups, you will spin the wheel and on the content that touches, you must answer a question that the teacher will ask you. You will be graded based on the number of questions you answer correctly, so the grade will be for all the members of your group. 

Link: Roulette



Monday, 25th October 2021

Hello everyone! I am Julieta, Maribel's mother. With me you will learn about the fall of the empire and modern Spain. We will focus on two families, the Habsburgs and the Bourbons, and the wars between them. We are already in the 17th century!

To start this unit we will do a brainstorm about these two families, to see what you know about them and who they were.


Wednesday, 27th October 2021 

Hi guys and girls! Do you remember what we saw today in class? Yes, exactly, "The war of Spanish succession". On this part of the unit we will carry out an interesting activity that will surely be innovative for you.

You must divide yourselves into 4 groups, and after the contextualization that the teacher has made, you must look for information about this war. The more information you collect the better!

After investigating, each group will carry out a project based on the main theme, the War of the Spanish Succession. There are many types of works, such as murals, interactive notebooks, lapbooks, etc. Be creative and use all the resources you need.

Friday, 29th October 2021 

Have you finished your projects? Do you need a little more time? In this session, those who have not finished will be able to finish them, and those who have finished it will be able to give it a final review. Once you have all finished, you must expose them to the rest of the class, focusing on the following aspects:
  • How does the project help you understand this war?
  • Within this content, have you focused on a specific aspect?
  • What resources did you need to do it?
  • Do you think there is any way to improve it?


Wednesday, 3rd November 2021

Good morning to all! Today we have seen the topic “The Spanish Golden Age”. This stage is one of the most important within culture and art, since many famous works were produced, and we focus it between the years 1500 and 1600.

We are going to create some cards with the different artists of this time, a bit of their biography and their most famous works. Once you have made it, glue them on your notebook to not lost them. To do this, you must research and gather information before creating them, about the following characters:
  • Miguel de Cervantes
  • Luis de Góngora
  • Lope de Vega
  • Francisco de Quevedo
  • El Greco
  • Francisco Zurbarán
  • Jose de Ribera
  • Murillo
  • Velázquez

Friday, 5th November 2021

To see if you have kept the information collected in the previous session, we will play the following card game.

The next activity consists of playing a card game in groups of between 3 and 4 people. In each letter you will find an important author or work of this stage and you must relate it, depending on what it is, with one of his works or with the author. We will play together and you must cooperate among the members of your group to find the solution. I hope that many of you get it right! LinkGame


Monday, 8th November 2021

Hello students! Today in class we have talked about Felipe V, the king who established the absolute monarchy in Spain. Jean Ranc, a famous painter, made a portrait of this king on horseback. Looking closely at the details of this painting, describe what you see in it.

Once you carry out the activity, you will share everything that you have seen and describe the relation that this details have with the different events of this era. Surely you will discover some details with the help of your classmates!


Wednesday, 10th November 2021

Good morning boys and girls. Today we have met another of the famous characters of this time, Carlos III. During his reign, the city of Madrid underwent a transformation that led to its modernization.

After watching the following video you must answer the following questions on your notebook:
  • To which dynasty did Carlos III belong? Whose son was he?
  • What did he try to do with the internal politics of Spain?
  • What characters stand out in the circle that surrounded Carlos III?
  • What happened to be Spain? What national symbols did he acquire?
  • What kind of work did you do to modernize Madrid?
  • What monuments were built?

Review Unit 3

Friday, 12th November 2021

Hello students! We have finished the unit! In case you do not remember the different contents that we have seen, here is a summary:

  • The Habsburg kings
  • The war of the Spanish Succession (1701 – 1714)
  • The Spanish Golden Age (1492 – 1659)
  • Philip V (1700 – 1746)
  • Carlos III and the modernization of Madrid (1759 – 1788)

Also, here you have a video that summarizes the Spanish Golden Age and its two periods: 

I have spoken with Pepa about the activities you did with her to review the unit, and the truth is that they are quite entertaining, so you will do two of the same type but about our unit. First, you must complete the following liveworksheet, individually, about the different contents of this unit. Also, do you remember the table about Carlos V and Felipe II? Now, you are going to do the same table but about Felipe V and Carlos III. 

Link: Liveworksheet

Final Task Unit 3

Hello everyone ! We have reached the end of unit 3! To check that you remember the information we have given in this unit, you are going to make a timeline. This activity is similar to the one you did with my daughter. 

Individually and using an A3 size paper, you must expose the important events and dates that we have seen in this unit. In addition, under your timeline you must write what each of these events consists of. Be careful with cleanliness and orthography!

To assess you, I will again use the unit 1 assessment rubric. Good luck and stay focused!



Wednesday, 17th November 2021

Hi boys and girls! I am Camilo and I will be here with you to learn more about people and population. As you know, the history of our country depends not only on people such as kings or explorers, but also on population. We need to know who we are, how many of us there are and where we life to understand our history and to predict our future. 
To begin we are going to approach the essential vocabulary to understand the subject well. We have talked about the terms population, census, demography, size, composition, distribution, density and growth. So, now we are going to do the following crossword puzzle to check that you have understood what each term means. Click on the image below to access. 

As you already know what a census is, now you will have to design one in which you collect the data of close people. It is essential that the name, the age, the sex and the nationality appear in it. You could do it in a table like this one. Then you will have to write a report about what you have found. 


Friday, 19th November 2021

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the last class. Today we are going to continue learning a little bit more about how to measure populations. To start let's watch the next video that gives you more details about this. 

We have talked about the natural increase, absolute population, population density, immigrant, emigrant and actual increase. So, now we are going to do the following column relational activity to check that you have understood what each term means. Click on the image below to access. 

To finish, we are going to do two activities in which you will have to calculate different things.

Activity 1. María lives in a town where this year 1000 births and 20 deaths have been registered:
- Has the population increased or decreased?
- What has been the natural increase? How did you calculate it?

Activity 2. Look at the data in the drawing and calculate: 
- What has been the actual increase?
- What is its final absolute population?


Monday, 22nd November 2021

Hi guys! Today we are going to continue learning more about the population of Europe. It is very interesting to see its evolution over the time. 

In groups of 3-4 people, you will have to investigate and search for information about the change in the European population over time. Then, you will have to create a collage from that information. You can look for images in magazines or on the internet to do it. Finally, you will present it to your classmates and compare the information you found.


Wednesday, 24th November 2021

Good morning boys and girls! The last day we were learning more about the evolution of the population of Europe. Today we are going to specify a little bit more, so we are going to learn how to interpret pyramids and maps about the population of Spain, our country. I hope you enjoy it!

We are going to start with this pyramid of 2018. In pairs, look at the data bellow and answer the questions:

- What data on the population does it show us? On which axis is each of them located?
- In which age group is there more population?
- Are the same number of boys as girls?
- According to the pyramid, do you think that in the coming years the Government should build more schools or more residences for the elderly? Why?

Now we are going to continue with the second activity in which in pairs, you have to look at the data in the map and answer the questions. You can access to information of the map clicking on it.

- Choose an autonomous community, how do we find out the number of inhabitants if we know the population density and the area?
- Choose another autonomous community, how do we find out the area if we know the population density and the number of inhabitants?


Friday, 26th November 2021

Good morning class! Today we are going to learn a little bit more about the population of Andalusia. In order to do that you are going to access to the next liveworksheet clicking on the image. 


Monday, 29th November 2021

Hi guys! Today we are going to do a really exciting activity. In pairs, you will have to analyze the news about immigration in Spain. You will choose one of them. Then you will give that immigrant person a name and you will write it down on a piece of cardboard the story of their life before coming, the trip and the arrival. 

Next you will answer the following questions in your notebooks: 
- What image are the media giving of people who immigrate?
- What is the perception of society in general?
- What does a person leave behind when they emigrate? Why do they do it?
- What do emigrant contribute to the county where they arrive?
- What should the society of this country do when receiving them?